So KJ had her "18 month" Wellbaby appointment today. She's 2' 9" tall, and weighs 26lbs 7oz. She's almost too tall to fit on the scale at the doctor's office. Most of the nurses kept checking her chart to make sure she is ACTUALLY only 19 months old. Apparently she's the size of the "average" 2 1/2 year old. And I guess when I say, "She's 19 months." I come off as a liar or something?? Hmm.
While at the doctor's, we were going over the usual Q&A. Kady even answered a few questions for me!
Doctor: "Is she speaking in short sentences yet?"
*Before I even get to speak* KJ: "Helloooo. Nice to meet you!"
Yep. Never seen a doctor look so surprised before. It was pretty amusing. Wish I would have had my camera phone ready. His reaction, priceless.
So we're sitting there, and after all the Q&A the doctor gives KJ a Dum-Dum (you know, those little candy suckers.) KJ looks up at him with the BIGGEST eyes EVER, poke her belly, and says "Am I fat?"
Both the doctor and I were stunned. I asked her to repeat what she said, and once again, biggest puppy dog eyes ever staring at us, "Am I fat? I fat." OMG.
Naturally... her MALE doctor, who has a completely baffled and stumped look on his face says, "Oh absolutely not sweet heart!", and gives her another Dum-Dum!
My child isn't even TWO yet and already knows how to get unsuspecting men to do her bidding!!!
...I've never been SO PROUD! xD
Later, we went to dinner at Applebee's. KJ dropped her crayons on the floor early on, and I didn't feel like playing the fetch game with her, so I gave her one of the menu books off the table. I wasn't paying attention to WHICH book I gave her. Out of NO WHERE I hear, "Oh, okay. Alcohol!"
...What the hell am I teaching my daughter?! I have NO idea how she knew that word. Just like I didn't know she knows how to identify coffee at the grocery store, and I had no idea she could tell me to "Buzz off" when she was playing with MY shoes.
So, ladies and gentlemen (if there are indeed gentlemen reading...), I present to you the word of the day: Alcohol. Brought to you by the mouth of the very tall-not too chunky-certainly not fat-cunning-con-daughter of mine, KJ!
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