Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Imagine, If You Will...

Little J is bouncing happily in his Baby Einstein's stationary jumperoo.
From my couch I hear, *grunt, grunt, sigh...grunt, grunt.*
I know there's a poop a-comin'.
After a moment, I smell a HORRIFYING smell. That could NOT be my little man...
Oh, but it could be. And it was.

I pick him up to find the gift all parents, Mother's and Father's alike, dread in the diaper department. The Always-Happens-At-A-Bad-Time Exploder. Any parent who had changed a diaper, any unsuspecting 14 year old baby sitter, the Grandma that laughs hysterically because YOU once did it to HER... knows of the Exploder. This one, was a King Exploder. The Exploder of Exploders... (at this point I am just trying to see how many times I can get away with saying "exploder" in a paragraph...okay I'm done...exploder.)

Up his back, down his legs... the kid pushed like TWO times! HOW MUCH POO WAS IN YOUR TUMMY, CHILD?!

Now I am trying to peel his soft, fuzzy, warm footy pajamas off of him...while trying not to make a bigger mess. KJ is running circles around us screaming, "Ewww! That's DISGUSTING! Gosh, Josh! Ewww!" And yes... she can say all those words QUITE well, thank you.
What's worse? Little J thinks his sister doing obnoxiously loud laps around us is HILAAAARIOUS! He's laughing at her. And not just a little giggle. He's full on jumping up and down belly laughing at her. I'm trying to hold a 15lb. laughing baby with one hand while cleaning him with the other. All the while I'M dying of laughter because my kids are losing their minds! And, trying not to lose the rest of my dinner (I've been sick today as it is) from the look and smell of this WMD (yes, that's right... it was a Weapon of Mass Destruction!).

Now close your eyes and imagine all this happening.
Are you laughing at me?
Not yet?
How about when I finally got him cleaned up, new pajamas on him, old ones in the washer, and get back to the living room with a plastic bag to dispose of the disaster in... I stuck my finger in the WONDERFULLY warm, sticky, stinky goop that was in the diaper.
I MADE IT THAT WHOLE TIME WITHOUT ONE MESS!!! Just to be TAKEN DOWN by a flimsy plastic bag and open poopy diaper!
Are you laughing now?
You should be. Because if I saw this happening to you, I'd by DYING of laughter!!!!!

So, if you know someone who had a pretty crappy day... go ahead and send them this way. I'm sure this story will put a grin on just about any bad mood face out there :)


  1. So I don't have to feel bad for laughing? Excellent. That is hilarious. That right there makes me want to not ever have kids lol

  2. Haha oh there are so many joys that come with parenting...this just isn't one of them LOL :)
